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Program Dates: 2 June – 25 June 2025

Deadline for Applications:  9 December 2024

Program participants will learn about novel and inventive practices and services in areas such as:

  • Open Scholarship
  • Collaboration and Sustainability
  • Emerging Trends and Technologies
  • Leadership, Communication and Marketing
  • Library Assessment and Impact
  • User-centered Services
  • Inclusive Digital and Print Collections
  • International Professional Networking

The Online Information Session was held on Tuesday October 8, 2024, and the Recording is available online.

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The Mortenson Center for International Library Programs strengthens international ties among libraries and librarians worldwide for the promotion of international education, understanding, and peace.



Each year the Mortenson Center sponsors a distinguished lecture by a renowned international speaker on a topic related to international understanding, intellectual freedom and libraries.  The texts of the speeches or presentations are made available on the Center’s webpage. Previous lecture topics have ranged from the social aspects of digital libraries to the role of libraries in supporting civil society. Read more…


Mortenson Associates

The Mortenson Center Associates Program offers individuals working in a library setting outside the United States an opportunity to explore current issues and trends in the library field and to engage with librarians implementing cutting-edge programs and services. Read more…


Libraries for Peace

The Libraries for Peace (L4P) initiative promotes the role of libraries to advance peace internationally. This website and social media provide resources for libraries and others to learn about what libraries are doing to promote peace, how they can initiate their own efforts, and where these actions are taking place; to discuss and share ideas of libraries and peacebuilding; and to serve as an information hub for an international library celebration and action day for peace. Read more…



Strengthening Innovative Library Leaders (SILL) is a 2-day foundational leadership training curriculum developed at the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs with assistance from librarians around the world. The project is funded by the Global Libraries Program of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. SILL is designed for public and community librarians, but can be used with other groups. Read more…



Libraries are community anchors and catalysts of social transformation. Join libraries across the world to participate in the Community-Library Inter-Action (CLIA) Project to facilitate local dialogue and community action that drives social transformation. In engaging CLIA, libraries contribute to the collective action and impact on the part of libraries worldwide to advance peaceful and sustainable communities. Read more…

Project Welcomev2

Project Welcome

Project Welcome: Libraries and Community Anchors Planning for Resettlement and Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers is funded by an Institute of Museum Library Services (IMLS) planning grant. In partnership with the American Library Association (ALA), Project Welcome aims to learn about and articulate ways libraries can address the information needs of refugees and asylum seekers in order to support and empower them in their resettlement and integration process. Read more…


To view the highlights and history of the Mortenson Center, visit LibGuides!